Online Training Module

“Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct (Harvard College, 2023-24)”


Every year the College asks all students to complete the online training module “Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct.” The module must be completed by the course registration deadline to be able to register for classes and takes about 60 minutes to complete.

The online training module provides information about related prevention practices, policies, and resources and includes examples of sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct for training purposes. If because of personal experience you would prefer to engage in the material in a different way, we encourage you to email simply stating you would like more information about alternative training options.

For technical assistance, please e-mail:


To access the online training module:

  1. Visit and sign in using your HarvardKey.
  2. Click Me (located on the top left of the screen).
  3. Locate this year's course titled Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct (Harvard College, 2023-24) (under "Learning & Certifications").
  4. Click on the course title.
  5. Click Launch for the first activity listed.
  6. Complete each activity before launching the next one.
  7. You must complete all activities for the course to be marked complete.



  1. It is best to use Google Chrome to complete the course. If you have trouble accessing the course or moving on within it, please re-launch the course.
  2. If you use a Video Speed Controller, please disable this browser extension before starting the course.
  3. You must complete each activity to enable the <LAUNCH> button next to the following activity (please let the final slide in the activity play fully before exiting the player window). Each activity must be marked complete before you can launch the following one.
  4. If leaving your computer for 30 minutes or more, please exit the course to ensure your most recent progress is recorded.

For technical assistance, please e-mail:



Staff who are interested in completing the module will not have it assigned to them in the Harvard Training Portal, but can access it separately using THIS LINK