Make a Disclosure

Direct Disclosure

A disclosure directly to College Title IX, or indirectly through a Responsible Employee, involves sharing information about an experience of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct impacting a Harvard community member. A disclosure documents an incident or concern and provides the opportunity for an impacted party to learn more about resources and access supportive measures. Making a disclosure to College Title IX is different than filing a formal complaint and does not automatically trigger an investigation. 

Meet with Us 


Anonymous Disclosure

You may also submit an anonymous disclosure of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct by using the Office for Gender Equity's Resource for Online Anonymous Disclosures (ROAD). Through the ROAD, you can share a concern, communicate with a Title IX Resource Coordinator, and learn about resources and options anonymously.

Make an Anonymous Disclosure


Confidential resources, such as SHARE Counselors, are also always available to provide support and help you decide which options are right for you. 


More about SHARE